Monday, March 19, 2012

My sweet angel....Shealyn Renee

You know I don't even have a good reason why I haven't written! At first, I thought that I would focus on my kids for Spring Break and not spend too much time on the computer! But I still spent time on the computer. Then I thought I would write one night but sat down and nothing came to my fingers but I had a TON of thoughts racing through my head! Then I had the thought one afternoon to write but once again a million things on my mind but could not figure what to write so I didn't! Then I was watching a show the other day and it was talking about not taking the time to write is being selfish! I realized that I missed writing for a whole week and had to figure out why every time I tried to write...why all my thoughts raced away! I think i finally realized I was not wanting write about what was really on my mind! So, because I am on this journey of reaching deep inside and desiring to bring back some of the memories I had lost...I had to pinpoint my block my memories were actually not all pleasant memories and I think I was running away from them! So, I decided to go for it so that I can get past this block!

I have written alot about my son Shelby and alot of memories with him were actually more pleasant than my memories with my daughter Shealyn. I realized that every time I think of her I decide to write about something else! But tonight I want to write about her! As much as I try to push away the memory...I can't! So maybe after writing about this very hard day...I can once and for all move past these harsh memories!

Shealyn Renee was our first daughter born to me when I was 19 years old. We were so excited for her birth. Her name is actually my husbands middle name "Shay" and my middle name "Lynn" put together to create...Shealyn! We loved her name and could not wait for her to come! She did come and after having her home 3 days I learned that something was terribly wrong! Although I want to write about how wonderful things were...her life brings many clouds that cloud my heart and mind! Maybe as I uncover some of the terrible memories I can begin to remember the pleasant ones that I know I had! Shealyn was born with a genetic skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullousa!

It was Thanksgiving Day in 1994 and we had gone to my in-laws to have Thanksgiving dinner and as we all were fixing our plates I looked at Shealyn and noticed that her eyes looked fixed and something wasn't right! I never fixed my plate that day! I picked her up very fast only to realize that she was having seizures and that is why her eyes looked fixed and her body was stiff....before I knew it she was bleeding through her nose and mouth! ( I know I am sorry for the details...I always live with these memories and now you see why it was hard to write about) I screamed out to call 911 and my brother in law called...and panic set in! My mother in law wasn't the most support as I was trying to calm everyone down. I remember just holding her tight praying that this was just normal and that it didn't mean anything! She would be ok and this was just a symptom! So finally, (what seemed like an eternity) the paramedics pulled up and came in like they were out for a picnic! Now I know its important for them to remain calm but expressing no urgency or hurry was just too much to handle! I was about to leave in my own car and take her myself! They were more interested in finding out the scenario than taking care of her. She is literally seizing over and over right in front of them and they finally decide to move more quickly and get her to the hospital! This was the bad beginning to an even worse story! We finally get in the ambulance and they only allow one parent so Shay follow very close behind the ambulance...running every light that they go through! The whole way to the hospital they are on the phone and everything they are telling the paramedics to do they cant do! It was like it was their first day on the job!

We finally get to the hospital and once again I get this feeling of no one knowing what the heck was going on! I finally realized that since it was a holiday...the whole hospital was running off of bare minimums and people that were probably out of school like the day before. They begin asking questions and I am explaining what she has and they were clueless of what to do! I heard one nurse saying get the pedi cart! Someone brought the what they thought was the pedi cart only to hear another say that is for toddlers. Which the nurse responded well that is the smallest we have here in this hospital! All the while Shealyn is continuing to have seizures! It was as if everyone was running 90 to nothing  for NOTHING! No one was tending to her then they cut her clothes off and tell me to leave the room! I am then put in this family room and I tell them I need to call my mom and dad! I made that phone call to my all of my family that Shealyn is in the ER and I am scared! My family comes and we are all in this family room!

There are 3 people coming in the room at different times and "updating" us on what was going on! There was a social worker, and a chaplain, and a nurse. They were coming in giving updates by their own opinions! Which were out of order and not making sense! We had one telling us that things did not look good and then one came in to tell us things were stable and improving and then one come in that was clueless. It makes me so mad thinking about the lack of professionalism or just plain decency. Needless to say, my theory was correct! No one, even the Doctor knew what he was doing! But maybe at this point in life and writing this blog...I now realize that there was nothing that they could do! So after much time passed and trying to keep calm and praying and pleading with every fiber of my body...Please let her live! Please let her live! The Doctor comes in starts talking to us and tell us what they are currently doing! He is talking in present tense! But all of a sudden after listening to a bunch of nothing I said, " What are you telling us?" " " What are you saying?" He then says these words..."You daughter is dead." If you can imagine the emotion that filled the room! Well, because the emotion was great and he was not handling this right ( I also now realize writing this that it was probably his first time ever to have to tell someone about a death...How do you ever get better than starting with the first time) Well because of the way he was leading us on like she was still alive....when my husband heard the words...your daughter is dead! It felt as if it was with no care...Shay just stood up with both hands and pushed the doctor with both hands and said NO NO NO! He tilted out of his chair a little and said its OK I understand this is not what you wanted to hear! He apologizes for his delivery and tells us no hard feelings for Shays initial reaction. He leaves the room! I am screaming NO I want my baby! Mom, why? and I am sure many things...I don't remember! I wish I could say that the story ends hear but in fact it only gets worse!

Because, a lady popped her head in and decided that what she was seeing was chaos or what she called violence (which was just alot of loud crying and confusion as it all happened so fast!) She decides to call the police department! And of course since it was a slow Thanksgiving Day they decide to send the entire SWAT team! They cleared out the entire waiting room like there was a shooting or something! The only person that wasn't there was my father in law and so my mother in law decides to get on the phone to call him! The next thing we know was not one not two but three and four cops come into the room and the one police commands her to get off of the phone! She proceeds to tell him that she is only calling her husband to tell him that Shealyn died and to get down here! ( In hindsight I think it was best that he was not there that day as I am sure someone would have probably got killed that day) So since she doesn't hang up right away the cop pulls out his billy club and pepper spray and says if you don't get off of that phone right now I am going to mace you! He says I am the boss and you are gonna listen to my orders! Which in return makes my brother in law step into it to tell him that she is calling the grandfather of the deceased and he said I am the boss get off the phone...HE MACED HER! This outraged Shay and his brother! So they react only to have my brother have to jump into the situation to hold Shay back! I am just sitting in the room yelling MY DAUGHTER DIED MU DAUGHTER DIED! PLEASE STOP ALL OF THIS MY DAUGHTER DIED! Nothing stops in fact my mom tells me that she thinks it is only by the grace of God that no one got shot because the cops had their guns pulled and cocked! More cops came into the room and before I know it Shay, my brother in law, and my brother are all handcuffed and on the floor! All I remember is pepper spray in the room and somehow my mom had come in there and got me out and just held me! I remember falling to the floor and pleading with the cop that they have everything wrong my daughter died! My daughter died! Please let him go! I next remember the cop saying to my mom! If you don't get her to stop I am going to take her too! My mom gets me to come with her around the hall and get me out of view of all that is going on!

They told me that if I calmed down I could go see Shealyn! I found out that they had arrested Shay (black) his brother (black) and were taking them to jail! My brother (white) uncuffed and let go! Shay never got to see his daughter until the funeral! They took Shay and Roger away! I went to hold Shealyn for my last moments with her! One blessing that I still treasure is that since it was Thanksgiving they could not get hold of the coroner to pronounce her death! I was able to be with her for 3 hours and sit and hold her and rock her until they came to take her away! That was one of the hardest moments I can ever remember! With tears running down my face as I write.....I still cherish those 3 precious hours on that miserable day Thanksgiving! 1994! It was one of the hardest and most painful experiences ever. I didn't know then that it was the beginning of shaping me into the person that I would one day become through enduring this!

As soon as the captain of the PD got word of what happened...they walked into the jail and opened Shays door and took his handcuffs off and gave him the phone and said call someone! They never said another word but said go home! They knew they had messed up royally! I had many telling me to call channel 8 news and so on and so on! This  was such prejudice displayed and completely uinfair and unjust situatiuon! But, I didnt want my daughters life to end on that note...So we dropped the situation and didnt press charges! I am still grateful for that! I dont have to be the one to teach them their lesson! That was not my place! Besides they have to forever live with the choices that they made!

I know this is a long post but I cant believe that I was finally able to get that all out! I dont hold any grudges as I feel we all learn from every experience! I think of that Doctor and hope that he learned how to better present the loss of loved ones to families! I hope that the lady that thought she knew what was goin on and called the PD learned a valuable lesson that day! I hope that I can continue to have love in my heart for all of those involved that day as I have spent a lifetime trying to overcome the terrible experience! I cant tell you how happy it makes me feel to put this story in wrtiing! I already feel a weight lifted...after all of these years! I know it probably seems weird to tell you to find joy in something after this story but its should find JOY in the realease of pain in your life! What hurts do you have that are deep down that you almost forgot they were there? It's time to let them go! Find Joy in letting go! Now I will go get my kleenex and be ready to move on after a good nights sleep! Please share your comments as I could use the reinforcement of writing this blog! I know it was time!


  1. I have no words. I can only pray for the continued blessing of peace to fill your heart in knowing that you have an eternal family.

  2. I'm so grateful you've been able to release this pain. It reminds me of a quote I've read long ago that "Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy." Kahlil Gibran

  3. I am crying as I read this.. I wish we were closer Curly Q Twin, in more ways than just distance! We are having financial troubles that I can't see a way out of at the moment, but all that flew out of my head & heart as I read this part of your jorney that you so generously shared of yourself. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but it's hard to type on phone & sniffle! Thank you & God's Blessings always, my Scentsy Sista!

  4. I too am in tears as I read this. I just can't imagine the pain of loosing a child. My grandmother lost her baby boy when he was 6 months old and she was never the same. She could not be around a baby that age for years after his death. My grandfather soon after had a nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized.
    I admire the fact that you went on to have more children. You could have been gripped with fear and allowed the enemy to paralize you so to speak. I admire your strength and can see the Lord's hand in your journey. What a story you have to tell! Thank you so much for sharing the depths of your heart. I see the Lord giving you a huge platfrom to minister to others in the same situation. Maybe even writing a book!

    Jesus said, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” - John 16:22

    What a joy we have knowing that we will see our loved ones again! You will hold those precious babies again! I can't wait to meet them!

    Christie Baker

  5. Wow, Heather. What a trial for you and your family. I can understand how hard that must have been and reliving it through writing was surely difficult too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I just love you and your family so much, it is so sad to see that we as a nation have not overcome all the hate with race, I just cried when I read this,such injustice, but as a child of God you did the right thing and moved forward with good memories of your baby and not bad ones, I am so proud of you, your my best friend and you will always be in my heart.

  7. Heather,
    You did a beautiful job of describing such a painful experience. I think Christie might be right. You might have a book inside of you. You have such a gift for writing. It is wonderful to see the women you have become. I too believe that God won't give us more than we can bear and he knows that you are stronger than you could ever believe! Thank you for sharing and I do hope that some of this pain has been lifted through your writing.
    Love ya,
    Linda Sparks

  8. Heather, I too am crying as I read your experience. I can't imagine losing a child. I would have never known this by seeing you at Scentsy events, because you always have the biggest smile on your face. I noticed you right away because of your smile, and have always looked out to see you at events because you are another "Scentsy Heather" like myself. Now I will admire you even more! God Bless You!

  9. I do not have any words of comfort or joy. I cannot pretend to undersand the loss of a child, much less the tragedy you all had to endure at the hands of incompetent police and medical staff. I do know the pain of losing parents in a tragic accident, and I know the pain of "losing" a child to the dark side. I attend the Church's ARP program and through that I understand that joy of letting go and letting God, and the joy of forgiveness and the joy of "getting it out" in one way or another. Your example strengthens me and will help me and many others be able to find joy in our own painful journeys.

    When I go through hell, as you have, I remember one of my favorite scriptures, and it helps me so much to put it all in perspective.

    D&C 122:5-8
    "5 If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; if thou art in perils among robbers; if thou art in perils by land or by sea;

    6 If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations; if thine enemies fall upon thee; if they tear thee from the society of thy father and mother and brethren and sisters; and if with a drawn sword thine enemies tear thee from the bosom of thy wife, and of thine offspring, and thine elder son, although but six years of age, shall cling to thy garments, and shall say, My father, my father, why can’t you stay with us? O, my father, what are the men going to do with you? and if then he shall be thrust from thee by the sword, and thou be dragged to prison, and thine enemies prowl around thee like wolves for the blood of the lamb;

    7 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son [daughter], that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

    8 The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?"

    I hope that brings you peace and perspective as it does me during my trials. I know our Savior loves us each, and you WILL have your beautiful baby to raise yet! You have that promise! :)

    Thank you for sharing of yourself.

  10. P.S. - and by the way... I am so pi**ed at the way y'all were treated, and the very evident prejudice displayed by those arrogant, incompetent people! I admire y'all's strength in the way you handled it. I would not have been that composed!

  11. Oh my goodness this post had me in tears :( How dare someone create such bad memories for you at that time! You are much better than me! I would have made sure they got paid back for how you all were treated. Yes I know they eventually will have to pay for it but that is huge and I would have want them to know how they made me feel at that time! I cringe at the thought of what if I was in your shoes dealing with that :( My heart broke for you!
