Wednesday, March 7, 2012

REAL job!

So I mentioned in a previous blog that I am an Independent Consultant for Scentsy Wickless Candles and I have been doing this for almost 4 years! Well, for over the last 18 years I have been in the Dental field and at my last place of employment I worked there for 8 years as a Dental Assistant and Supervisor over the practice. It was rigerous and long hours. But a GREAT job. I at one point was working round the clock to assure that everything was getting done! I learned many, many things from that job and I will be forever grateful.

So I recently RETIRED from that job and have not regretted that bit! I have been enjoying the freedom to choose how I spend my days and having the opportunity to serve those that I desire to serve and bless my own life by doing the things that bring JOY to my heart!

So I was talking with someone today and they made the comment, "Well, I will talk to you later...Some people have to work a "real job" to make a living."

I am never sure how to respond to that! What do they really mean? What are they really saying?

A real job? What is a real job?

So what is your definition of work? Work has meant many different things to me through my life! I remember jobs that I dreaded to go to! I remember a nanny job that I ABSOLUTELY loved! I remember work that was true physical labor THAT LEFT ME WORN OUT! I have had work that is very rewarding and have had some that is NOT! But, you ALWAYS learn and grow through whatever kind of WORK you have.

So, I believe that there is ALL kinds of work but there is ONE "work" that delights my soul and heart more than anything I have ever done before and that would be the Lord's "work!" To me that means having the available time to be His hands! I believe that one of the most important callings in my life is to share my LOVE with those that come into my life. Whether that be through my Scentsy business or in my everyday life.

You can be His hands every time you smile at someone passing by, you can be His hands every time you take a little of your time to listen, anytime you reach out to serve someone, anytime you listen to that prompting to call someone on your mind, write a message to uplift, and every time that you encourage someone on the path that they are on. It is truly a blessing to another when you can be HAPPY for their accomplishments or growth.

In order to be really good and successful at something, we have to enjoy doing it. If you don't, oftentimes you'll find yourself not being very successful at it.

THE WORK THAT I DO IS MORE REWARDING THAN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER DONE BEFORE AND I PROUDLY CONSIDER IT "REAL WORK"  I have the chance to help others believe in themselves and feel confident so that they can go and build the BEST life for themselves and find joy in their journey!

Do what you love. When you love your work, you become the best worker in the world.
-- Uri Geller
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.
-- Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
-- Harvey MacKay

So after reading these quotes...I don't work! Because I wouldn't trade what I do for anything else! I am loving life and finding JOY in my JOURNEY more than ever before!

I hope that you can learn to find JOY in your work. If you don't then I hope that you take the steps to listen to your heart and find "work" that you are passionate about!

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