Monday, March 26, 2012

I'm starting on Monday!

So I have learned so much  about myself through writing! It is such an incredible feeling to learn so much MORE about myself and how I process information, how I feel about things, how I truly can let go in a beautiful way! There is so much more to writing than I ever knew before! IT IS SUCH A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE! I can see God's hand in this process!

I have had every intention for this to be a daily blog...However, one thing I have learned about myself is I can't just write to write! I definitely write from the heart...So whatever is truly on my mind and in my heart is what I have to write about! So that is where the problem of writing daily comes in! Through writing about these past memories and trials and my life! Many feelings come with that as well! I have learned a pattern. When we bring up the past layer by layer! Sometimes it causes you to feel all over again and I am not sure my thoughts are always so clear about how I truly feel! I have to remove the layer of pain or anxiety etc. first before the words come to my fingertips!

There is so much history since the age of 19 through 37! Bringing it all to the surface requires time and patience. I have learned that many thoughts can be in my heart and mind at the same time...but when I try to write one may weigh out the other! If is something I am not ready to write words will come! Therefore, many days might pass!

Well, I am finally ready to write about another subject in my life! WEIGHT! With trials and pain always comes with your coping skills! Or lack of skill! Basically your coping mechanism! Mine was unhealthy...I ATE MY PAIN AWAY...So I thought!  I ate food for comfort! I always wished that I was one of those people that couldn't eat when stressed....(but I am sure that every issue has its downside!)

I was always very fit all the way through high school...Size 6-7 to 8-10 through the years! 110-120 max. I was a dancer and in drill team! Well, I had my first child and lost her to a terminal skin disease right out of high school and the eating began!

While in the hospital I had dear friends and church members that took care of me and brought me food 3 TIMES A DAY! I was so grateful for their company more than the food1 Although, I was grateful for the food too! All I did was sit in the ICU for months and eat everything that was brought to me! I began gaining weight then! After she died, I ATE AND ATE AND ATE! Sometimes, I would go to get dinner for us and I would get something extra to eat on the way home and then eat dinner with my husband like I hadn't eaten anything yet! That is when I realized that something was wrong! I was an EMOTIONAL EATER! That can be a serious problem when you are an EMOTIONAL PERSON! LOL LOL (many more blogs coming on this topic, but for now I am just telling it how it is)

Year after year during that time I continued to gain! I had a loving husband by my side that stayed with me through it all! THAT IS SO AMAZING AND BRINGS ME TO TEARS AS I WRITE! He never said a word to me about my weight! (I love you for that, Shay) I weighed 245 at my biggest! YEP...245 pounds of emotional eating! ( more blogs coming..oh my I am having so many things I want to say)

Every pregnancy I gained alot of weight and then after losing my second problems just compounded and I was at my biggest!

About a year after losing my 2nd child....I woke up one day and said. "I am not doing this anymore" I am not happy! I am insecure! I don't like the way I feel! I feel like a whale! I have done this to my self! How did this happen! How did I get here! I am 50 pounds away form 300! BUT THE LAST THING I SAID WAS...I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS AND I AM STARTING MONDAY! I began on Monday....I did not have a plan, I did not have a goal... I just said I was going to listen to music and walk until I could jog and jog until I could run! I did JUST THAT! I listened to anything i felt in the mood to listen to and walked or ran to the beat! Whatever I felt in my heart I could manage! 6 days a week and on Sunday I rested! I didn't let anything get in my way! Everyday for a year....I lost 110 pounds of weight! BUT I LOST 1000 POUNDS OF PAIN! Every time I would walk or run or exercise for that matter....I experienced relief from all of my worries and grief! Gotta love those endorphins! But it was so much more than that! I was physically, mentally, and emotionally learning the true meaning of making a choice to do something about my situation...instead of staying in the place where life had taken me! I have kept the weight off for over 12 years now!

This was one of those defining moments in my life! I learned how action takes you to a different place! A healthier place...A happier place...

I BEGAN TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE CHOICES TO FIND THE JOY IN THE JOURNEY! I fight everyday to maintain the weight as I have setbacks every year around October due to losing one child on Thanksgiving and one child on Halloween Day! I find myself eating more than I should and picking up bad habits of drinking Dr.Pepper again. I always catch myself and work hard to lose those pounds and stay within a healthy weight! I will always be an emotional eater so I have to stay strong and watch myself and make the choice again and again to do the right thing! I am in the process as I write of losing some unwanted pounds. I hope by writing this that this year might be different for me! I am learning by getting words out on paper or (by typing) that I actually truly LET GO of things that have crept up and went to sleep in my heart! Writing these blogs is giving me a sense of being UNLEASHED (thanks  for the word Becca) LETTING GO ONCE AND FOR ALL....I have decided that this year in October I will focus on health and exercise and hope to overcome the "emotional eating" during that time once and for all!

I will continue to find JOY in the JOURNEY through being healthy...physically, emotionally, and mentally and spiritually!

As I have learned that being in shape creates health in all of those areas!

FIND JOY IN DOING WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET YOU HEALTHY PHYSICALLY! Which leads to better emotional, mental and spiritual health!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


"A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment last forever."

Last week I was able to make many memories with my grandma ,my mom, my sister, brother in law and niece and nephew and of course my kids!
Eating breakfast while listening to my grandma tell stories or share interesting cool facts about things! Making scentsy samples together while listening to music. Which was really cool because it is 3 generations of Scentsy girls.... Me, my mom and my grandma! We talked and talked about memories that have already been made. Visiting the USS LEXINGTON! Going to an AMAZING aquarium! Incredible dolphin show! Can't forget the otters...That was some serious playing! Going out to eat ALOT! Staying up late and laughing so hard we can't breathe! Beach funny watching Kolby try to get sand off and change all at the same time...too funny! Driving down Ocean drive singing at the top of our lungs! Mandy doing her thing! Popcorn and Diet DP and movies. The Power of One movie! Hiding the monkey game! Pepto Bismol (hahaha) Singing and laughing every night before we laugh our self to sleep! Talking Scentsy! The road trip there and the road trip back! Pictures in 50 spots! French toast bread (only from HEB)..Hugs and hugs!


All I want to say is if you have the opportunity to go see family....DON'T WAIT! DO IT NOW! LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BEING TOGETHER AND MAKING MEMORIES!
         Find JOY in making memories!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


On a lighter note today, I am so grateful for everything that I have been through as I have learned so many valuable things in my life! One of the greatest of which is the perspective I have gained! I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that has blessed me beyond measure through all of the trials that I have been called to endure. I am thankful for the weaknesses that have been turned into strengths and the experience of sheer pain so that I can appreciate the sheer JOY!

"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. The deeper the sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you JOY." ~ Kahil Gibran (thanks mom!)

The sorrow that I have experienced has been deep! However, I know from experience that you truly are never given more than you can handle! So if you find yourself breaking down through your trials, then you just have to dig a little deeper and maybe even a little deeper! Enduring your trials and the daily stress  of life is all in your perspective! CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

I think I have always had an optimistic personality! But it is your perspective that truly helps you in your daily life! Even if you are someone that sees the glass half empty there is still a chance to truly learn how to have an attitude of gratitude and change your perspective!

Not that long ago I was driving down the highway and my tire blew! I was in the inside lane and it was a little scary but I manged to get over to the shoulder unharmed! I made all of the appropriate calls and then just had to wait for the highway patrol to get there to help me!  I decided to make a couple of phone calls to some people that had been on my mind and wait patiently! Before I could make my phone rings and it was a friend that asked what I was doing! I said, "Oh just sitting on the side of the highway with a blown tire." She said, "Well that makes for a pretty terrible day."

You go through life just being who you are and don't realize that you would look at this experience as terrible! Until, I heard someone say that ..But, that moment really made me realize how thankful I am for my perspective and that little things in life like a blown tire is just SOOOO NOT A BIG DEAL! It so didn't make for a terrible day. I was actually immediately so happy that it happened where it did and that I had a place to pull over. A few minutes up the road and it would have been a dangerous spot. Also, I was so happy to finally have a little bit of time allotted to me to make those two phone calls that I had been wanting to make! So in fact, it was a pleasure to just sit and wait! Not an inconvenience at all! I was reminded that I am thankful for the perspective I have about life! So if you are wanting to improve your life take a look at your perspective!

Here are some examples of how you can change your perspective:

I am thankful for my husband that tells me he is going to bed early instead of spending time with me because at least he is home with me and safe at home.

For the taxes that I have to pay, because it means that I am employed and earning money.

For the child that complains of doing their chores because they are home with me and not out with friends.

For the mess to clean after the party because it means that I have friends.

For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means that I have enough to eat (too much actually lol)

For the lawn that needs mowing, the bathrooms that need to be cleaned, and the floors that need to be mopped and vacuumed because it means I have a home.

For the parking spot that I find at the far end of the parking lot because It means that I am able to walk and that I am blessed with transportation.

For the lady behind me in church that sings off key because it means that I can hear.

For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means that I have clothes.

For the huge electric bill because it means that I am warm.

For the aching back pain that I experience every day because it means that I survived a severe injury and can still walk.

For my house that seems to never close because it means I have the ability to sell it and purchase my dream home.

What things in your life can you now see as trivial that once seemed to disrupt your entire day and mood? If you practice an attitude of gratitude it is so easy to gain the kind of perspective that it takes to truly have JOY in the JOURNEY!

Find JOY in your daily perspective!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My sweet angel....Shealyn Renee

You know I don't even have a good reason why I haven't written! At first, I thought that I would focus on my kids for Spring Break and not spend too much time on the computer! But I still spent time on the computer. Then I thought I would write one night but sat down and nothing came to my fingers but I had a TON of thoughts racing through my head! Then I had the thought one afternoon to write but once again a million things on my mind but could not figure what to write so I didn't! Then I was watching a show the other day and it was talking about not taking the time to write is being selfish! I realized that I missed writing for a whole week and had to figure out why every time I tried to write...why all my thoughts raced away! I think i finally realized I was not wanting write about what was really on my mind! So, because I am on this journey of reaching deep inside and desiring to bring back some of the memories I had lost...I had to pinpoint my block my memories were actually not all pleasant memories and I think I was running away from them! So, I decided to go for it so that I can get past this block!

I have written alot about my son Shelby and alot of memories with him were actually more pleasant than my memories with my daughter Shealyn. I realized that every time I think of her I decide to write about something else! But tonight I want to write about her! As much as I try to push away the memory...I can't! So maybe after writing about this very hard day...I can once and for all move past these harsh memories!

Shealyn Renee was our first daughter born to me when I was 19 years old. We were so excited for her birth. Her name is actually my husbands middle name "Shay" and my middle name "Lynn" put together to create...Shealyn! We loved her name and could not wait for her to come! She did come and after having her home 3 days I learned that something was terribly wrong! Although I want to write about how wonderful things were...her life brings many clouds that cloud my heart and mind! Maybe as I uncover some of the terrible memories I can begin to remember the pleasant ones that I know I had! Shealyn was born with a genetic skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullousa!

It was Thanksgiving Day in 1994 and we had gone to my in-laws to have Thanksgiving dinner and as we all were fixing our plates I looked at Shealyn and noticed that her eyes looked fixed and something wasn't right! I never fixed my plate that day! I picked her up very fast only to realize that she was having seizures and that is why her eyes looked fixed and her body was stiff....before I knew it she was bleeding through her nose and mouth! ( I know I am sorry for the details...I always live with these memories and now you see why it was hard to write about) I screamed out to call 911 and my brother in law called...and panic set in! My mother in law wasn't the most support as I was trying to calm everyone down. I remember just holding her tight praying that this was just normal and that it didn't mean anything! She would be ok and this was just a symptom! So finally, (what seemed like an eternity) the paramedics pulled up and came in like they were out for a picnic! Now I know its important for them to remain calm but expressing no urgency or hurry was just too much to handle! I was about to leave in my own car and take her myself! They were more interested in finding out the scenario than taking care of her. She is literally seizing over and over right in front of them and they finally decide to move more quickly and get her to the hospital! This was the bad beginning to an even worse story! We finally get in the ambulance and they only allow one parent so Shay follow very close behind the ambulance...running every light that they go through! The whole way to the hospital they are on the phone and everything they are telling the paramedics to do they cant do! It was like it was their first day on the job!

We finally get to the hospital and once again I get this feeling of no one knowing what the heck was going on! I finally realized that since it was a holiday...the whole hospital was running off of bare minimums and people that were probably out of school like the day before. They begin asking questions and I am explaining what she has and they were clueless of what to do! I heard one nurse saying get the pedi cart! Someone brought the what they thought was the pedi cart only to hear another say that is for toddlers. Which the nurse responded well that is the smallest we have here in this hospital! All the while Shealyn is continuing to have seizures! It was as if everyone was running 90 to nothing  for NOTHING! No one was tending to her then they cut her clothes off and tell me to leave the room! I am then put in this family room and I tell them I need to call my mom and dad! I made that phone call to my all of my family that Shealyn is in the ER and I am scared! My family comes and we are all in this family room!

There are 3 people coming in the room at different times and "updating" us on what was going on! There was a social worker, and a chaplain, and a nurse. They were coming in giving updates by their own opinions! Which were out of order and not making sense! We had one telling us that things did not look good and then one came in to tell us things were stable and improving and then one come in that was clueless. It makes me so mad thinking about the lack of professionalism or just plain decency. Needless to say, my theory was correct! No one, even the Doctor knew what he was doing! But maybe at this point in life and writing this blog...I now realize that there was nothing that they could do! So after much time passed and trying to keep calm and praying and pleading with every fiber of my body...Please let her live! Please let her live! The Doctor comes in starts talking to us and tell us what they are currently doing! He is talking in present tense! But all of a sudden after listening to a bunch of nothing I said, " What are you telling us?" " " What are you saying?" He then says these words..."You daughter is dead." If you can imagine the emotion that filled the room! Well, because the emotion was great and he was not handling this right ( I also now realize writing this that it was probably his first time ever to have to tell someone about a death...How do you ever get better than starting with the first time) Well because of the way he was leading us on like she was still alive....when my husband heard the words...your daughter is dead! It felt as if it was with no care...Shay just stood up with both hands and pushed the doctor with both hands and said NO NO NO! He tilted out of his chair a little and said its OK I understand this is not what you wanted to hear! He apologizes for his delivery and tells us no hard feelings for Shays initial reaction. He leaves the room! I am screaming NO I want my baby! Mom, why? and I am sure many things...I don't remember! I wish I could say that the story ends hear but in fact it only gets worse!

Because, a lady popped her head in and decided that what she was seeing was chaos or what she called violence (which was just alot of loud crying and confusion as it all happened so fast!) She decides to call the police department! And of course since it was a slow Thanksgiving Day they decide to send the entire SWAT team! They cleared out the entire waiting room like there was a shooting or something! The only person that wasn't there was my father in law and so my mother in law decides to get on the phone to call him! The next thing we know was not one not two but three and four cops come into the room and the one police commands her to get off of the phone! She proceeds to tell him that she is only calling her husband to tell him that Shealyn died and to get down here! ( In hindsight I think it was best that he was not there that day as I am sure someone would have probably got killed that day) So since she doesn't hang up right away the cop pulls out his billy club and pepper spray and says if you don't get off of that phone right now I am going to mace you! He says I am the boss and you are gonna listen to my orders! Which in return makes my brother in law step into it to tell him that she is calling the grandfather of the deceased and he said I am the boss get off the phone...HE MACED HER! This outraged Shay and his brother! So they react only to have my brother have to jump into the situation to hold Shay back! I am just sitting in the room yelling MY DAUGHTER DIED MU DAUGHTER DIED! PLEASE STOP ALL OF THIS MY DAUGHTER DIED! Nothing stops in fact my mom tells me that she thinks it is only by the grace of God that no one got shot because the cops had their guns pulled and cocked! More cops came into the room and before I know it Shay, my brother in law, and my brother are all handcuffed and on the floor! All I remember is pepper spray in the room and somehow my mom had come in there and got me out and just held me! I remember falling to the floor and pleading with the cop that they have everything wrong my daughter died! My daughter died! Please let him go! I next remember the cop saying to my mom! If you don't get her to stop I am going to take her too! My mom gets me to come with her around the hall and get me out of view of all that is going on!

They told me that if I calmed down I could go see Shealyn! I found out that they had arrested Shay (black) his brother (black) and were taking them to jail! My brother (white) uncuffed and let go! Shay never got to see his daughter until the funeral! They took Shay and Roger away! I went to hold Shealyn for my last moments with her! One blessing that I still treasure is that since it was Thanksgiving they could not get hold of the coroner to pronounce her death! I was able to be with her for 3 hours and sit and hold her and rock her until they came to take her away! That was one of the hardest moments I can ever remember! With tears running down my face as I write.....I still cherish those 3 precious hours on that miserable day Thanksgiving! 1994! It was one of the hardest and most painful experiences ever. I didn't know then that it was the beginning of shaping me into the person that I would one day become through enduring this!

As soon as the captain of the PD got word of what happened...they walked into the jail and opened Shays door and took his handcuffs off and gave him the phone and said call someone! They never said another word but said go home! They knew they had messed up royally! I had many telling me to call channel 8 news and so on and so on! This  was such prejudice displayed and completely uinfair and unjust situatiuon! But, I didnt want my daughters life to end on that note...So we dropped the situation and didnt press charges! I am still grateful for that! I dont have to be the one to teach them their lesson! That was not my place! Besides they have to forever live with the choices that they made!

I know this is a long post but I cant believe that I was finally able to get that all out! I dont hold any grudges as I feel we all learn from every experience! I think of that Doctor and hope that he learned how to better present the loss of loved ones to families! I hope that the lady that thought she knew what was goin on and called the PD learned a valuable lesson that day! I hope that I can continue to have love in my heart for all of those involved that day as I have spent a lifetime trying to overcome the terrible experience! I cant tell you how happy it makes me feel to put this story in wrtiing! I already feel a weight lifted...after all of these years! I know it probably seems weird to tell you to find joy in something after this story but its should find JOY in the realease of pain in your life! What hurts do you have that are deep down that you almost forgot they were there? It's time to let them go! Find Joy in letting go! Now I will go get my kleenex and be ready to move on after a good nights sleep! Please share your comments as I could use the reinforcement of writing this blog! I know it was time!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Road Trip...Part 2

I am not exactly sure how to start my post I will just say I miss my dad! We lost him unexpectedly 3 years ago today! Not a day goes by that I don't think of him in some way! I am alot like my dad in looks and personality...One similarity is when we tell stories...we never leave out the smallest detail or find deep meaning in the smallest thing! My mom is also a very deep person and deep thinker!

So I get it honestly but also, since the young age of 19 and experiencing the loss of my first child caused me to look at life a whole lot different from most others at my age. I always noticed that I was not very good at "small talk" or just shooting the breeze. The things I talk about are always deep in nature. Don't get me wrong, I definitely know how to be crazy and have fun but I would rather talk about things that matter! I remember playing a game at a friends house and it was where they ask a question on the card and you had to answer with the first thing that comes to your mind! The question was if you could be someone for the day, who would you be? Of course, they were looking for answers like a celebrity or someone wealthy to get to do amazing things. But, my answer was to be my daughter so that I could understand her heart so that I could be the best mom ever and be everything I can be! Everyone kinda giggled cause I go so deep! I can't help it! It's just who I am!

Well a normal day for me is looking for the deeper meaning in pretty much everything. So the reason this is Road Trip...part 2 was because the whole trip made me recognize many things! Because the trip to Corpus Christi took 3 hours longer than it should have...there were times that we felt like we were never going to get there! At one point, we just wanted to stop and get out but there was NOWHERE to stop. So we had a choice we could stop in the middle of nowhere or we could keep going to get to a place that actually had food and restrooms. I couldn't help to think of all the times that our life feels like that! When we go through trials we sometimes want to just throw in the towel and stop. But that gets us NOWHERE! If we just keep going we will get to a place that we can refuel. Once you can keep moving along.

So from the last post I mentioned that we passed 11 accidents. Every accident that we approached made us slow way down and sometimes to a complete stop. There were some people that got so angry and tried to make a detour on off roads...only to get stuck and need help to remove their car. There was this one car that tried to rush through it and hit another car in the process. There were some that pulled off to stop and wait until the traffic was completely gone.

All of these situations made me think of life! Each accident was like the road blocks that we face. Sometimes our road blocks slow us down or even cause our lives to come to a complete halt. In trials (or road blocks) we have many choices that we can make. Some may want to take a detour, which may be like doing things that don't help the overall situation. Maybe, even run from the issues and not deal with things. But running from your problems or pushing them so far away and living  in denial is the worst thing that you can do. It can make you feel as though you need to be rescued...just like the car that got stuck. Some may try to ignore the road blocks and rush through like the last car that I talked about, which can cause you to hit a brick wall. And even like the last car, you could pull off and just wait for the traffic to pass and then get back on your journey. But that can lengthen the time that you are facing your road block or trial. Instead of just taking things a step at a time and steadily progressing through your trial. Eventually because I stuck on the path and just slowly and steadily moved through each road block...I eventually and safely made it to my destination. There was definitely sadness along the journey seeing all of those accidents and people that were hurt. It was long and no place to stop and rest...we had to just keep going..knowing that we would get to where we were headed!

Once we got out of the rain and storms and traffic and was finally smooth sailing from there! I was able to pick up my speed and drive with no more road blocks! We made it to my mom's house and hugged her neck and we were happy! WE MADE IT!

I couldn't help but see these things along my journey to Corpus Christi! So the next time that you find yourself dealing with another road block....Just face it and look for the lesson and I promise that you will grow and become a better person through it! You will be stronger and more able to deal with the next one that you face. Slow and steady allows you to take the time to reflect about the meaning of life and what your trials can really teach you!

Find the JOY in the road blocks that life throws at you! Yes you will feel pain and sorrow and all number of things but keep your head up and focus on the bright side! You will always feel JOY and eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Road Trip...Part 1

When is the last time you packed up and "hit the road" (as my dad used to say)? There is nothing better than packing up the car and taking a road trip with your kids! Just a few months ago my mom moved to Corpus Christi. So for spring break me and the kids decided to drive to see her and my grandma that lives there too!  The first hour of the trip I spent listening to a Scentsy inspirational call with Margie Aliprandi, which was one of those confirmation moments! She pierced my soul! I could have listened to her for the entire length of the 6 1/2 hour road trip! Well what I thought was going to be 6 1/2 hours.

From the beginning of the trip it was slow going as the roads were very wet!! We kept thinking that we would drive right out of it! But as we continued down the road we realized that it was not letting fact, it was pouring! So, we just went slowly and then we got to this huge backup! I knew it was and accident! After and hour we made it up to the accident and realized that it had to have been a death! That accident began one of the best conversations I have ever had with my children! As I listened to them share their compassion and thoughts on how sad that made them feel passing the accident.

Our family has not been any stranger to death and loss. In fact, it has always been apart of my children's lives knowing that they have another brother and sister in heaven and watching me grow through my trial of loss!  As I listened to their mature insights about things, I was so impressed with the deep and profound things that they talked about! Every single time we got through an accident it didn't take long to realize that we headed into another back up! It should have taken only 3 hours to get to Austin and it took almost 5!

But, i quickly realized that my kids do listen to me and I heard Hayley from the backseat say, "Well we are not in a rush we can just find the Joy in the Journey! It was so funny...we laughed and laughed! Obviously, I say it all the time! So we continued on only to find out that we were going to pass not 10 but 11 bad accidents all along the highway! As soon as we got out of one we drove right into another one!

So as we drove past each accident it created a different conversation about life? Questions like...What would their attitude be if they didnt have use of their legs after an accident? What if the accident caused the other person to die? What if they died in an accident, what things would they like to be remembered by? What things should they be better at not knowing when you may be in an accident? It was conversations that I shall never forget and treasure

But then there was this one car that taught us all a valuable lesson! I was traveling very cautiously and it irritated a driver that was behind me. I told my kids that he could go around me. He stayed right behind me and finally decided to speed around me and look at me like i was an idiot for driving so slow and careful. I told my kids that someone like that is gonna learn one of these days and its just better to do the right thing and to not have to learn the hard way. So we turned up the music and continued singin at the top of our lungs. Good times!

And here we go once again slowing down because of an accident. We were almost completely stopped as the highway had gone down to one lane. We finally got up to accident and saw a car that was completely smashed and it didn't look good. A lesson my children shall never forget. It was the red sports car that sped around me. His lesson came all so soon! We teared up realizing that we had just talked about how important it is to do the right thing. You can make your choice but you can't choose your consequences. We said a prayer for that young man right then and there!

I will treasure this journey to Corpus Christi that ended up taking 9 hours. Although, we saw many sad things along the way, I will never forget the lessons that we learned.

Find joy in the lessons of life and do the right thing the first time.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Legacy

You know how some writers experience writers block...Well, this writing experience has been the opposite for me! Thoughts and stories have flooded my mind! I find it difficult to know which way to go! If I get the chance to drive ALONE...I often turn off the radio and just think! When is the last time that you had some quiet time?

I am such a thinker, sometimes I have to turn the radio on just to get a break from reflecting. So today as I was driving by myself and thinking....... Many memories raced through my mind!

This is what I was thinking about today...I wish that everyone could have met my father! He was one of those special special people that you never forget after meeting! He had a heart that was bigger than he was! And he wasn't the smallest guy! He had a special way of making people feel special! That was evident at his funeral! When we had to open up the overflow in our church and the entire place was completely full!

My loving father passed on March 12, 2009 from an unexpected massive heart attack! He lived with a heart condition that had a symptom of sudden death and that is exactly what took his life!

His funeral was a very special experience listening to person after person say...I would have never missed this chance to come pay my respects to such an incredible person or your dad was really a great man. Here are some of the things said about my father...

"I will always remember Danny's smiling face and happy demeanor"

"Dan emanated an air of excitement because he seemed to be so upbeat about any given subject. He had a way of making you feel the focus of a conversation even if it was about someone or something else. You felt drawn into his world as a special guest and treasured confidant. He could make you feel like a close friend in a matter of minutes and at ease with the conversation of the moment. To Dan... we all felt special and the one he wanted to be talking to. I miss his energy but remember his personality each time we connected. We are all happy to have known him and shared time together while he was here with us. Dan was special indeed and I feel he was a friend. The memory will live on with me and I imagine with everyone he was around. If only we could all leave such a legacy."

You see, my dad had touched peoples lives all the time. He had a way of letting people know that he truly cared about the people that came across his path. He would give his matter what! He loved life even though he had many reasons to be upset with some of the things he was called to endure! He was such an example of JOY in the JOURNEY! From lay offs to financial didn't matter what he was going through....he could still make light of the situation and laugh! He truly found the JOY in life.

He always taught me that it wasn't a choice between good and bad but our choice should be between good and better! He taught about a higher level of living! He taught me to make the best of everything! He taught me to give unconditionally even if it was your last...even if you needed it more. He taught me to look within for my answers and trust my Heavenly Father. He taught me where to find true happiness. He did this with an incredible woman by his side (but that will be a whole other blog) He taught me to live worthy of the Lord's blessing and to just do the right thing because you should! Unless I was eating ice cream...That man loved him some blue bell ice cream. He was such a funny man! I remember his top 25 list that he made on Facebook...This is what he wrote on his FB page about his top 25 random things about himself.....

1. First things first, Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream.
2. I was born in Agana, Guam in the Mariana Islands near the Phillipines.
3. I attended five elementary schools before I was 10 years old.
4. Until I was 16 years of age, I often ate Gerber’s Mixed Cereal as a midnight snack.
5. As a young baseball-playing teenager, I met and spoke to my boyhood baseball idol, Mickey Mantle.
6. I have written and composed over 25 songs since I was fourteen.
7. I was Senior Class President in high school.
8. I met my wife, Gloria, when we were both 16, and we have been going together ever since.
9. In high school, Gloria and I used to earn money for dates by performing and singing together for business groups, banquets, and parties.
10. After 30 years of marriage, I found out that my wife, Gloria, is my sixth cousin.
11. I once poured gasoline on an ant hill, lit it with a match, and then denied having seen a fire when the fire department showed up. I was 28 at the time, married, and father of two.
12. I love to cook. Just ask my family who often come to me when they want tips on cooking.
13. I could eat just grilled chicken, a baked potato, and broccoli every day and be happy. (of course, a little Blue Bell for dessert).
14. While going to college and working at a paint store, I color matched paint for the set of the ABC Network’s “Donnie and Marie Show” (Osmond).
15. I worked for a political action / lobby group in Washington, D.C. and set up an interview on ABC’s “Nightline” for a United States Senator.
16. I once met and shook hands with actors Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau.
17. I trained Shawn Bradley, former Dallas Maverick basketball player, as a ward clerk in the Church, all 7’ 6” of him.
18. I am a 10-year prostate cancer survivor and grateful we caught it early.
19. Our first child was born in our hometown eight months and three weeks after we were married; maybe that’s why some people that knew us had wondered why we left our hometown nine months before and drove 1000 miles to be married in Arizona. It’s all “legit”.
20. I have an alias name, Niel Ward, when I do not want to reveal my real name. It is simply the last four letters of my first and last names.
21. I have lost over 300 total pounds over the course of my life.
22. I have been to 37 of the 50 United States and have lived in eight of them. (Hawaii, Tennessee, Louisiana, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Virginia, and Texas)
23. Although I appear to have dark brown hair, underneath it is really snow white. I have had gray hair since I was a teenager. I am a friend of Clairol Colorsilk Light Ash Brown. Unfortunately, I have passed the curse on to my children.
24. Some graduate from college "with praise and honor" (cum laude); some graduate "with great praise and honor" (magna cum laude), and some "with highest praise and honor" (summa cum laude). I graduated “Oh Lordy” (glad to finish).
25. I realize now that I am older, there are two things that are evident in my life; one, I have started to lose my memory and , two, I can’t remember what the second thing is.


What legacy will you leave?

Find the JOY in your relationships with the people that mean the most to you, as you never know how long that they will be here with you! I love you, Dad!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

REAL job!

So I mentioned in a previous blog that I am an Independent Consultant for Scentsy Wickless Candles and I have been doing this for almost 4 years! Well, for over the last 18 years I have been in the Dental field and at my last place of employment I worked there for 8 years as a Dental Assistant and Supervisor over the practice. It was rigerous and long hours. But a GREAT job. I at one point was working round the clock to assure that everything was getting done! I learned many, many things from that job and I will be forever grateful.

So I recently RETIRED from that job and have not regretted that bit! I have been enjoying the freedom to choose how I spend my days and having the opportunity to serve those that I desire to serve and bless my own life by doing the things that bring JOY to my heart!

So I was talking with someone today and they made the comment, "Well, I will talk to you later...Some people have to work a "real job" to make a living."

I am never sure how to respond to that! What do they really mean? What are they really saying?

A real job? What is a real job?

So what is your definition of work? Work has meant many different things to me through my life! I remember jobs that I dreaded to go to! I remember a nanny job that I ABSOLUTELY loved! I remember work that was true physical labor THAT LEFT ME WORN OUT! I have had work that is very rewarding and have had some that is NOT! But, you ALWAYS learn and grow through whatever kind of WORK you have.

So, I believe that there is ALL kinds of work but there is ONE "work" that delights my soul and heart more than anything I have ever done before and that would be the Lord's "work!" To me that means having the available time to be His hands! I believe that one of the most important callings in my life is to share my LOVE with those that come into my life. Whether that be through my Scentsy business or in my everyday life.

You can be His hands every time you smile at someone passing by, you can be His hands every time you take a little of your time to listen, anytime you reach out to serve someone, anytime you listen to that prompting to call someone on your mind, write a message to uplift, and every time that you encourage someone on the path that they are on. It is truly a blessing to another when you can be HAPPY for their accomplishments or growth.

In order to be really good and successful at something, we have to enjoy doing it. If you don't, oftentimes you'll find yourself not being very successful at it.

THE WORK THAT I DO IS MORE REWARDING THAN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER DONE BEFORE AND I PROUDLY CONSIDER IT "REAL WORK"  I have the chance to help others believe in themselves and feel confident so that they can go and build the BEST life for themselves and find joy in their journey!

Do what you love. When you love your work, you become the best worker in the world.
-- Uri Geller
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.
-- Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
-- Harvey MacKay

So after reading these quotes...I don't work! Because I wouldn't trade what I do for anything else! I am loving life and finding JOY in my JOURNEY more than ever before!

I hope that you can learn to find JOY in your work. If you don't then I hope that you take the steps to listen to your heart and find "work" that you are passionate about!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You are WORTH it!

I have only two kinds of days: happy and hysterically happy. ~Allen J. Lefferdink


So if you know me, you know that I am an Independent consultant for Scentsy Wickless Candles now known as Scentsy, Inc. (and if you didn't know you can read my story by clicking on the link right above) I joined this amazing company almost 4 years ago... Little did I know that I would be spending my days as a leader in the company with a special privilege of mentoring woman and using my talents that I was blessed with to show others the way of finding JOY IN THEIR JOURNEY! I absolutely LOVE what I do! Since I am now retired from my career of over 15 years, when people ask me what I do...This is my answer... "I am in the process of making my dreams come true" I love the look on their face! And then I ask them what they do and they usually don't even get the answer out before they are asking me how! I usually end my conversation  by telling them that they are worth it! I have had some of the most special conversations with people!
It really is how I feel...I have grown and learned so much on this part of my journey in life and all I want to do is find others that deserve to have SCENTSY apart of their life too! The name of my team is LIVIN YOUR LIFE...FINDING JOY IN THE JOURNEY AND CHANGING LIVES ONE AT A TIME!

So since it is my job as a leader to teach, inspire and train others how to grow their business (my favorite thing ever) I use all of the tools that I have learned to do that! I have learned early on in life that a BETTER ME MAKES A BETTER ______________. You can fill in any word in that blank and the equation is CORRECT!

I just started a Director in Training program yesterday and have spent many many hours trying to make it special. Well yesterday was the first one and by the feedback that I have received I think it was GREAT! It is so exciting to me to watch people get excited to live their life and work hard at making it something GREAT! In this training they have to answer to their mentor and check in with them to make sure they are doing what is expected through the training...basically an accountability partner! This way the mentor and the person taking the training both grow and learn together! One of their requirements from yesterdays training was to email or text their mentor these words... I AM WORTH IT!
It was a JOY to watch some of the mentors receive these messages! It brought tears to my eyes to see that the seeds of HOPE were being planted in them that they could believe!

I have another monthly training that I do called "Seeds of Success" and so I am big on the theme of planting seeds and sharing seeds because I believe everyone has something to contribute...I believe when we share our seeds that they can plant in the hearts of others and sprout!

This morning I came across this quote and loved it...

Every now and then,
when the world sits just right,
a gentle breath of heaven
fills my soul with delight...

I felt sheer delight today when I heard a song today that I had never heard!   SO WHEN I HEARD THIS SONG TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME I JUST GOT CHILLS HEAD TO TOE! It felt like a "gentle breath of heaven" letting me know that I am following my course and doing what I am meant to do! What a BEAUTIFUL CONFIRMATION!

by: Ester Dean

Plant a seed inside the Earth
Just one way to know it's worth
When we celebrate the world
Celebrate the world
Come on and
Celebrate the world
Celebrate the world

All you gotta do,
All you gotta do is live your life
Be true, live your life, be true
Never be afraid, never be afraid to grow, grow

It don't matter how you got it
It's yours now, don't you hide it
Let it grow, let it grow

Let the love inside you show it
Just one way to know you're worth it
Let it grow, let it grow

Just believe and you're almost there
Use your heart to show you care
Come on and celebrate the world
Celebrate the world
Come on and
Celebrate the world
Celebrate the world

All you gotta do,
All you gotta do is live your life
Be true, live your life, be true
Never be afraid, never be afraid to grow, grow

It don't matter how you got it
It's yours now, don't you hide it
Let it grow, let it grow

It's your turn now
To show your world now
Open up your heart and let it grow
It's your turn now
To show your world now
Open up your heart and let it grow

It don't matter how you got it
It's yours now, don't you hide it
Let it grow, let it grow

Let the love inside you show it
Just one way to know you're worth it
Let it grow, let it grow   CLICK ON THIS LINK TO LISTEN OR

You COULD go to my FB page (Heather Howard Earl) or google the song...It is FABULOUS!

SO MY MESSAGE TODAY IS..... It's your turn show the world! Open up your heart and let it grow...It doesn't matter how you got the seed... its yours now so don't hide it! LET IT GROW!

Find JOY in the seeds of your heart! Let them grow and then share them with the world! YOU ARE WORTH IT!  


Saturday, March 3, 2012


OK SO LET ME PREFACE THIS BLOG....I began to write last nights blog after a very exhausting day! I knew that I was going to write about my personality and characteristics.... for some reason felt impressed to just do that....HOWEVER, I fell asleep continue reading at your own risk...It might make you fall I have decided to pick up where I left off....


For some reason I have a million and one things on my mind and I always wait to be clear what my thoughts are and then just begin typing...these blogs are a result of what comes out each day!  All day today I continued to think about ME and who I am as a person! As, I have been writing I have been discovering and learning things. And so, this may be more for me than for you! I have discovered that there is something very solidifying in writing! SO here I go as I write about what it is like to be ME!

Many of you know me as the smiley, happy, curly Heather! I am ALL OF THOSE THINGS!
I love people!  I love balloons I ABSOLUTELY love love BALLOONS ( I have even bought myself a bouquet of balloons before) Just because they make me happy! I love animals (especially puppies and kittens) I love children, babies, teenagers, and especially the elderly and everyone in between! I have a major soft spot for anyone with mental disabilities or illnesses (I feel drawn to special needs kids especially down syndrome) I love reading (anything inspiring or self-help. I hate reading anything that is not real!) If I can brighten someones day then I have succeeded! I love church! I love feeling close to my Father in Heaven! I love music (ALL KINDS) I love going to the movies (true stories or chic flicks)I love dancing! ( I was in competitive dance during high school) I love FAMILY! I love eating out (which we do extremely too much) I love true and real down to earth personalities...someone that you can just totally be yourself with, someone that you can wake up right out of bed and they not think a thing about how you look! I NEVER judge people and their situations! I love massages, I love jewelry! I love fashion and I LOVE flip flops (if I can get away with wearing them...I do. I have been known to wear a winter coat and flip flops) I love writing notes to uplift people! I love surprising people! I love perfume! I love candles! I love giving at Christmas more than receiving! I love LOVE! I love the Springtime the BEST! But SUMMER takes a very close 2nd! I love to swim and be in the sun and the water! (That is where you will find me and my kids all summer the pool) I love making people feel SPECIAL! (I think it comes naturally to me) I love the color YELLOW! I love friendly people in the drive thru! I love going to the cemetery and just sitting and reflecting! I love thinking deeply! I love having conversations with others about things that matter! I love my parents dearly! I love my brother and my sister and their families! I love having fun! I love the sunshine! AND YES I ACTUALLY DO LOVE THESE THINGS AND MUCH MUCH MORE!

However, as you can tell by my blogs...that I am and can be incredibly deep! In fact, this is one aspect of me that I have not always even understood in younger years!  I knew as a young girl that the feelings that I had for people seemed extreme! When someone would cry it was like I could physically feel their pain. When I would see someone fall down I would have a strong sense to make sure they were OK! When someone was crying it made me cry. When I saw a teacher feel overwhelmed I felt strongly that I needed to see if there was something I could do to help! And I could not even tell the difference when watching a commercial! When I watched a child perform...I could hardly watch the performance because I wanted to watch the expressions on the parents faces. I cry at graduations (I am so happy for their reaching this point in life) I cry at weddings! I cry when I drive down the road and see an accident (because that is someones mom, dad or family) I cry when I see a dead animal on the side of the road (because I think of the family that has lost their pet) I cry at football games mostly when the band plays! I cry at funeral processions! I cry watching American Idol! I cry when I hear the National Anthem!  It is not uncommon for my eyes to well up even at the sight of these kind of moments! I learned quickly that the world views this kind of personality as weakness! People thought I was too sensitive or emotional (even my own husband at times well, alot of times) Many people think or have suggested that I am like this because of losing my children and other experiences I have been through!  People have said that I need to toughen up! People have said that I must be sad! People have suggested many things! For some reason I never felt that it was OK to really be as sensitive as I was! I am sure that the experiences I have been through in my life have enhanced these feelings...BUT THE TRUTH IS THIS IS WHO I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN!  In fact, I didn't think it was normal to care to the degree I did! So I often wouldn't let people on how deep the feelings went! I care so deeply that it hurts sometimes! I am very big on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! I feel that it is one of my favorite characteristics! It has brought so many people into my life that truly know I care and it won't matter what they are going through, they know that they can trust me and I will LOVE THEM ANYWAY!

Now I am not saying I go into a full nose blowing cry...but It is not uncommon to have a tear or two stream down my face! In public I would try so hard to play it off! In my family I would go to try to play it off as I would get teased...they would say "Oh my goodness...there goes mom again" Pretty much they have learned to accept me just as I am! When others were laughing and cheering I was tearing up because I was so proud of anothers accomplishment! My daughter says...Are you having another "Jesus Moment" (meaning such deep caring) People have said you cant possibly feel that way all the time and the truth is I DO! I CARE ALL THE TIME!

SO THERE IT IS....I AM ME, MYSELF AND I....TEARS AND ALL! Having these deep emotions has not always been easy! It has left me feeling insecure many times because I didn't think it was OK to show these kind of emotions! BUT THE TRUTH.... I KNOW THAT THESE CHARACTERISTICS ARE A GIFT FROM GOD! I KNOW THAT I CAN BE HIS HANDS WITH THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN! I have used my talents to bless the lives of others! I have had more real and true relationships because I was trusted and they know I cared! I truly want what is best for others! I truly am happy for someone when they succeed!

In a previous blog, I spoke of my favorite ALL TIME quote that changed my life!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Now you can see why this quote had such deep personal meaning! When I read this as a young brought purpose to my life as I realized that my playing small didn't serve the world! I was meant to shine with all my flaws and everything! I was born to make manifest the glory of God that was in ME! I have learned as I started appreciating my deepness and my tears and my deep love for others and shined! It was an amazing feeling...God started placing more and more people in my path! I realized what was happening...that I was shining I was unconsciously giving other people permission to do the same! I truly saw this quote in action and STILL DO TO THIS DAY!

I hope that you will recite this quote in the mirror and replace the "your",  "you"  and "we" with "I" and "my"

Say..."My deepest fear... " "I am powerful...", "I was born..." Look at yourself and try to see past what you see in the mirror! Look deep inside and see your soul! You were born for  a purpose and everything about you are the tools that you were given to make it happen! I feel very strongly about this...that you should never look at someone else and wish you were like they are, or wish that you had this talent or that ability!


Look in the mirror today and tell yourself that YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND THAT YOUR PACKAGE HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BE EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO BE! What weakness (that you think is a weakness) is ACTUALLY A STRENGTH in your life that maybe you don't realize yet? Do you hide who you truly are? What quality about yourself do you look at like a weakness? Now look at it again and say...If I didn't hide this...HOW COULD I BLESS THE WORLD OR THE PEOPLE AROUND ME!

Today....Find Joy in YOURSELF!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Oh WOW! Where do I start? My heart is very full! You know that quote "Go out on a limb, because that is where the fruit is!" I am writing to you as a witness that blessings come to those that GO OUT ON A LIMB! ! I feel like I have done just that by starting this blog! This was a stretch for me! I had no idea what was to come of it.

It may seem silly but it is true...When you open up all of your thoughts you also open the door for criticism and the opinion of other's. Which can sometimes be harsh (I have experienced it). But have you ever stopped to think about that the opposite effect that could also happen? That maybe you could be blessed beyond measure and really get to that fruit!

I think people worry and fear of what someone might think and that is why so many people hold themselves back from sharing about their lives and experiences.They may say...what would people think if I share these things! They miss so many blessings and opportunities that may only come from sharing! 

I definitely went through this thought process of wondering what people would think about me after sharing some of my innermost thoughts, but I am so glad I pressed forward in this pursuit! I NEVER KNEW WHAT KIND OF BLESSINGS WOULD COME BY GOING OUT ON THAT LIMB!

I had an EXTREMELY busy day, helping family and also had a SCENTSY meeting that I put on tonight and so my whole day kept me away from my computer. I finally sat down late tonight to write and thought I would check my facebook first for any messages! Little did I know that I was about to ball my eyes out and receive the blessings that ONLY CAME FROM MAKING THE DECISION TO GO OUT ON A LIMB AND START THIS BLOG. This is what I found as I opened up my FB messages....

Heather, I feel prompted to send you these thoughts. I read your blog and it got me thinking about your boy, Shelby. What a remarkable little guy and I feel privileged having known him during his short life on this earth. When he was at the hospital, Relief Society assigned me to be your visiting teacher. I had no idea what visiting teaching was all about until I was assigned as yours. Of course it included meal assignments and assignments to visit you in the hospital, coordinating cleaning your house before Shelby came home, etc. It included just being there when you needed a blessing or hug or when you needed to take the sacrament. But, it became more than that. I know in your whirlwind and lack of sleep you would never know what lessons I learned during those 5 months. I never told you because I did not want to bring up anything painful. I was timid about stepping on toes or being in your family's space while you were dealing with Shelby's needs and of course the funeral and subsequent grief. I remember one time that Jeremy and I stopped by the hospital to bring you Subway and more books to read. You needed a break and asked me to go to Shelby's room and sit with him for a few minutes. After scrubbing up to my elbows, I timidly walked in his room and saw the most beautiful baby. His eyes met mine. With his skin condition I could not pick him up because I did not want to cause him any pain since I had no idea how to handle him. Then he started to cry! Mercy! What am I to do. I remember what you said about music being a calming thing for him. So, I sang. I cannot sing well and never will be a singer, but I sang to that sweet child. I remember the song was I am a Child of God. What a lesson learned that night that as I sang those words we know so well. He stopped crying and smiled (and I remember singing another song, but don't recall what). His eyes were so expressive and full of life. I forgot about being in a hurry or worrying about the right things to do and just enjoyed that moment with him. Thank you for sharing this sweet boy with us and the memories that I will treasure from that experience.

As I sat here and read this message I just cried and cried for several reasons. First, it made me completely visualize that precious moment with my angel boy. Second, what a loving friend to have followed her heart and bless my life by listening to the promptings she was given. Third, I realized how much the Lord wants to bless our life by just stretching ourselves. This pulled at my heartstrings and then I remembered this beautiful story that someone sent to me many years ago...

A mother's love knows no bounds,
No stronger bond can be found,
Mother and child are connected from the start,
There is a string from heart to heart.

Nothing can break this heartstring,
No matter what the future may bring,
A mother loves her child forever,
The heartstrings hold them together.

It is a love of the sweetest kind,
There is nothing more beautiful you will ever find,
And even death cannot break this bond,
It knows no earthly ties, it is here and beyond.

We are connected to our children forever by this love,
Even when God calls them to this home above,
Nothing can change this love, not time, nor words or even
Death bitter sting,
We are connected forever by the "HEARTSTRINGS"

There is no other way I would have probably ever received this priceless memory and treasured message if I had not decided to do something that at one point seemed impossible for me to accomplish! Now in only 5 days of writing.....I am receiving this witness that I am doing exactly what I was called to do and being blessed in a way that is so comforting to me.

It makes me think about all the things we are prompted to do on a daily basis! Do you listen? Are you prompted to reach out to someone? Are you prompted to share something? Are you prompted to write? Are you prompted to pray for someone? Are you prompted to call someone? Does someones name come across your mind for no apparent reason? I ask you the next time you hear these promptings that you act on them! You have no idea how you could bless someones life!

Go out on a limb and respond to your will find the fruit and it might just be the thing that reaches your HEARTSTRINGS and blesses your life and the life of another in the most special way! Find Joy in your promptings!