My heart is FULL! As it often is during this time of year! As I sat and thought quietly before I started my fingers to the keys.... the one thing that didnt seem so quiet in my mind was something that is very near and dear to my heart..... Loving UNCONDITIONALLY! My capacity to love is great and always has been! My mom has shared stories with me telling me how I loved even when I was a little girl! As I have gotten older I didnt even always understand how I could love people so deeply! It is easy for me to love! It just comes naturally! I haven't always felt like it was socially acceptable to be so sensitive and loving....believe me I have gotten made fun of through the years that I'm the emotional or sensitive one! But when your heart is BIG....being sensitive just comes along with the territory! I care so deeply!
Through the years I have seen friendships end over differences of opinions on things like religion, parenting, politics, how someone lives their life, mistakes that people have made, or maybe just because they do things differently or different things are important to them than another! Why do people judge??? Why can't we celebrate the differences that are in each of us? Why can't more people just LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY???
Why can't we just look at someone and love them! Why is it more natural for people to look at someone and size them up instead of trying to get to know them and seek the GOOD!
I remember one day in nursing school I was in Downtown Dallas and I saw a guy at the same bus stop...I think he lived on the streets! His clothes were dirty and he smelled bad! BUT, I will never forget HIS EYES! I looked in his eyes and I instantly thought, "What happened in his life?" I wondered what kind of pain had he endured and I wondered if he had ever felt love from someone! I smiled at him and he began to cry! I wondered when was the last time he ever saw a smile! He never even asked me for anything! No words were spoken! I have often thought about that man! I could see straight past the smell and his clothes! This is a more extreme example but what about that family member or friend that raises their children way different than you would! What about that way that family member or friend handled a situation! If your first reaction is to judge then that is not being unconditional! Why can't people see right past the issue and love the person!

I have been judged on many different things through my life...I know what it feels like to have judgement placed on you! It used to hurt! I have grown and learned that there will always be someone that thinks you should do something different or that you should or shouldn't do this or that! You can even love those people!
We are ALL at different places in life and we ALL have different trials that we try to LOVE more freely instead of getting caught up in judgements of others...NO MATTER WHAT!
You should never let the problem be bigger than your love of the person!
As I have watched the election draw near I have witnessed alot of hate and anger amongst people! I have seen relationships end as a result of someones beliefs!
We need to get back the the "GOLDEN RULE" of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you! We need more LOVE! We need more willingness to help another instead of saying well they got themselves into that mess! We need more genuine care instead of saying well that's the world for you! We need more concern instead of saying well I have my own problems! We need more praise instead of assuming it will give someone a big head! We need more compliments instead of assuming one must already know! We need more reaching out instead of thinking you are not gonna waste your time! We need more service instead of thinking your own plate is too full! We need more unconditional love!
Love is such a powerful force especially when shared! Think of the last time someone loved you even when you might not have felt you deserved it! It is powerful!
Spend your time and energy validating someone instead of thinking what you would do different in a situation! Seek the good in others...give people the benefit of the doubt! You will be amazed at your capacity to love will grow! Let go of so many expectations for those in your life and give more acceptance, appreciation, and understanding!
Find JOY in loving others! You can make a difference just by choosing to not place judgement and showing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!
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