Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My stupid, idiot brother!

Last night we had the chance to celebrate my brother, Chris! He is 3 years older than me. We had a wonderful time hanging together at a little hole in the wall restaurant in Dallas called Goodfriend beer garden and burger house. My brother's "good friend" (pun intended) Justin Cash was performing. He has a very successful band! It was AWESOME! (Look him up... Justin Cash Band)

So you are probably wondering why I would go celebrate with my brother if he is a "stupid idiot"

Last night after dinner we went to Braums. He was teasing me about my "Joy in the Journey" blog. I was on the phone with Shay and I could hear him talking. I then hear him say...her next blog is going to be titled, "My stupid, idiot brother” So here you go, Chris! 

You see, I am sure there were actual days that I felt that way about him... I can remember a few times growing up that I felt that way...Maybe a few just the other day? hahaha JK

So since he titled his own blog...I figured I would take this moment to dedicate this blog to him.

My brother Chris is a multi-talented guy with an ambition for life like no other that I know! He is a husband to his beautiful wife Sherry, he is father to their 8 wonderful kids! Hunter, Chloe, Emery, Noah, Landri, Delaney, um...who else...JK Danny (named after our father), and cutie pie Ainsley! That's 8 right? I didn't miss anyone? Nope...That's all of them! 

Chris is a musician and singer/songwriter. He plays the guitar and piano and melts your heart when he sings. I'm still waiting for a song to be written about me! JK! At least he can't ever say I haven't written a blog about him! One of his songs written for my son Shelby still pulls at my heart strings. He is a talented guy! 

He is intelligent, an innovator and an entrepreneur at his core. He and my sis-in-law own a restaurant called Scrumbscious Burger and Pie Company. It's not easy by any stretch to run a restaurant and it has stood the test of time and is a well-known favorite spot. It has required dedication like most couldn't even fathom. He has taken the opportunity to teach his children the power of hard work and molded them into kids that respect work and that is very uncommon in our society these days. 

Oh and you gotta go check out his restaurant in Mesquite. It has fresh burgers, hand-cut fries and pie shakes. Pie shakes are Sherry (sis-in-law) handmade pies slice mixed into ice cream blended into an amazing shake! Scrumbscious Burgers and Pieshakes 1151 E. Davis St, Mesquite, TX 75149    You can always catch him at his booth at the State Fair of Texas each year too! 

My brother and I are very different. But through the years have grown to respect each other’s perspective and views. I am the optimist and he isn't! Hahaha He is a "realist" and is a master at taking whatever comes his way. 

Since he's a very busy guy...many don't get the chance to know what a wonderful guy he really is. If you do, you are lucky! If you don' are missing out! 

He has a big heart and can make you laugh pretty much at any moment! Hanging at the restaurant after hours will always be a highlight in life! Whether we are singing or dancing, we definitley always laughing... it's always a fun time to be had! 

I respect him and I love him! Happy Birthday to my stupid, idiot brother! 

Love you, Chris!!!!!

Until I blog again, 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Are you freaking kidding me???

Have you ever found yourself saying, "Are you freaking kidding me?" Well this day just happened for me! But, I also found myself laughing about it! And in that moment of laughter, when I could have been furious... It got me thinking of a message I had received the day before this frustrating day and many other occasions as well. This was the message....

All of a sudden, it caused me to think, "How DO, I do that?" Even though I know what works for me... How could I better explain what I do to remain happy under the pressures of life or overcome upsets so easily! I did respond to the message and shared my perspective on how to find JOY in daily life with all of the non- joy things that come our way! But the main thing I realized that I do is.... make choices all day long! 

Let me explain how this worked for me...from one of the worst days that I have recently experienced! 

Every year, all throughout the year there are things that I have to do for Shay's trucking company. I have to renew things or pay to keep him going legally. The worst dreaded day (that I just found out they have changed and I can do online now) is to go all the way to Carrollton and pay for his Apportioned plates (tags). It is one of those things depending on who you get that day, which way your paperwork needs to look or which documents are needed, that last time I didn’t need. Anyway, it's always a stress! One year I can use my check, one year I can't...or one year I can take care of it and one year Shay needed to write something saying I can make changes on the account (even though I am part owner)...or one year I was told my insurance wasn't the proper document (when I knew it was)...or one year they had two trucks listed (his old one and new one) and I wasn't authorized to remove one!!! Let me tell you, IT LEAVES ME SAYING IN MY HEAD..."ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?"

So, I decided that this year I would go above and beyond to make sure I have everything required by current guidelines. (cause there are several things you have to prove and declare and it has to be "just so."  However, depending on the agent you get that day is who determines "just so")

So, I called ahead and spoke with an agent. I researched online to make sure nothing had changed and no added documents were required. I called again and spoke with a second agent to make sure I heard the same as before from the first agent. I called my insurance company and prepared them that I might be calling if they were requiring specifics for my documents or for them to be in a different format. (Yes, that picky) I collected my documents and checked them 3 times and decided to leave a little after traffic and before it gets busy at this office. I made the hour drive over there and pulled my number and sat and waited. While I waited, I read on my kindle as to help me ignore the person sneezing and coughing across from me NOT covering their mouth. (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME) and the babies crawling on the floor with no protection and putting things in their mouths straight from the floor with no supervision. (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME) And the lady that asked me to move seats so that her son could sit by her. (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME)  Time doesn't seem to move. 

Finally after an hour (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME)... My number is called! Whew! Finally! I walk up to window and I am greeted with the grimmest face, no smile, no greeting except for ..."What do you need today?" (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME) And of course, I'm smiling and share that I am there to renew my husband’s apportioned tags. She then says... "Paperwork?" (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME)  I hand her my paperwork and with a deep inside sigh am hoping that she accepts everything and all is well! She slowly looks through each sheet and makes extra loud breathing noises and I'm thinking is this good or bad! What is she about to tell me...? After what felt like an eternity...She tells me that my dates are wrong! guessed it... Inside my head, I say, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?" So, highly expecting that something could go wrong...I'm prepared for something to be wrong! But that was the only thing that I didn't have backup for! I told her how could that be... I got my dates of all miles from the document that they sent me in the mail. She printed another document and it definitely had different dates. She said, "I don't know why they sent those dates" I asked how that could be? She said, "I don’t know but your dates are wrong?" I told her that I would have to go all the way home and prepare a new mileage record with new dates and come back! She says, "Step aside, mam so I can call the next person to my window that is prepared." (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME) 

CHOICES! I could have "gone off" on many people that day! I could have said, "Screw it!" I could have asked to speak to a supervisor and shared how rude that lady was! I could have made a face at the lady that asked me to move for her son to sit! I could have screamed I hate life right now! I could have rolled my eyes at the man that was sneezing and coughing! I could have made a comment to the mom that was letting her baby crawl all over the dirty floor! I could have left that place mad as heck knowing that refiguring Shay's miles per state, per dates was going to take another hour or more! Not to I am leaving in rush hour lunch hour traffic to go back home...only to come back again! But I didn't! 

Of course, since I have such a habit of not giving in to anger, or letting other people control my JOY or my day or my emotions. I made the choice to get in my car and open my sunroof, turn on my music (full blast) and take the journey back home and laugh at it all! 

On my way, of course there is an accident on 635. But, since I was moving so slow past the accident I decide to roll down my other windows and just let the breeze come in. Then I passed the accident and began to speed up.... Not even thinking that I have the newly printed out paper with new dates right on top of my folder. IT FLEW OUT THE WINDOW! (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME) 

I was so mad for a minute and thought can this day get any worse? I immediately exit and go back and walked directly up to the window (of a different agent) and asked for another print out! 

I go back to my car and actually SAY A PRAYER! I am calmed! I open the sunroof, turn back on my music and drive in silence for a few until I feel like singing again! It took me 2 hours to get home! 

I ran in grabbed all of Shay's paperwork and carefully went through all of his daily sheets to add up all the miles per state, per the new dates. Shay even asks me how I am doing knowing that I had to go all the way back! I was like... I'm good! Stuff like this happens all the time and I decided not to let it get me down! It is what it is and I'm not going to let anything spoil my JOY! So I realized, that even though I had every reason to be ticked off...It was just a series of unfortunate events that happened altogether and I was just going to make the best of it! All the way back for an hour and half... I thought about why is it so easy for me to not to go to that "ticked off" place and this is what came to my mind...

{Losing 2 children was the most horrific thing that has ever happened to me.} It almost got the best of me! Not many remember me back in those days. There were moments when the pain was almost unbearable! The only thing that saved me was my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father that would NEVER GIVE ME MORE THAN I AM CAPABLE OF OVERCOMING! I used to hate hearing that! But, through my trials, I learned that life is series of events that either help us become more or they don't! They can make you better and stronger or they can define you and make you bitter!  I constantly had to DIG DEEP and OVERCOME the losses that I was called to experience! I woke up EVERDAY and had to choose happy or miserable! Cause let me tell ya, losing your children can cause misery, IF YOU LET IT! I chose to not let it bring me down, but it wasn't without a daily fight and a choice every single day! I had no idea that I was learning how to make that choice so often and so regularly that it became a way of life for me through the years! 

I learned that I had a choice to choose joy and an attitude of gratitude! Every day, I am grateful for many, many things! My life, my children on earth and in heaven, the lessons that I have learned, the husband that has stood by my side through all of those crazy days, my extended family, my business, the sun shining, the birds chirping, the wind blowing, my gospel knowledge, and my long list goes on and on! Some tease me for my "rose colored glasses" view on life! But, it is NOT that... 
I have made choices for a long time to focus on the good as to not get drowned in the loss that I had to learn how to overcome! After many years of having to choosing HAPPY OR MISERABLE.... I got good at choosing happy! So it makes it so easy to deal with..."ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME" days! Just because I am happy a lot, doesn't mean that my life is easy or that I don't have difficult days! I have days like this all the time! 

In our family we have the START OVER RULE.... Give yourself permission to start over! If we feel like a converstion or a day needs a restart.... We say, "Can I start over?" It works! Try it! 

So, I finally reach my destination AGAIN! I go in and take a number! It is even more crowded than before and I am totally expecting to wait over an hour to be called! I endure the same scenario of the people that I am sitting by! When all of a sudden I hear my name called over the speaker to come to window 15. I stand up and walk over to find that I was called to the same lady.... I looked at her and she says, "I saw that smiling face walk in! Can't miss it...we don't get a lot of those around here!"

I am seriously saying inside..."ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME" But for a whole different reason! Am I seriously talking to the same lady and did she just say that! I of course, lit up! She said, "Now give me your number so I can take you off the que, I skipped all these people to call you to my window" I smiled and said, Thank you so much! You totally made my day! She then says, "No you made mine" 

My thoughts at that moment were.... {WHAT?????, IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?} 
She told me that after I left she thought about how I reacted when she told me that I had the wrong dates and that I happily said that I had to drive back home and come back. She said in all of her years working there she has never had such a kind person. She said, I knew you had God in your life! 

That was the moment when I was so touched and I really wanted to cry! When I realized that my favorite quote by Marianne Williamson made so much sense to me.... "We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear {and I will add frustration, disappointment, anger,} our presence AUTOMATICALLY LIBERATES OTHERS! 

I witnessed this! I made a choice and it mattered and it changed a heart! I was also blessed to skip all of the other people in there! I had everything she needed and I paid and she gave me my receipt and then the greatest of all... this once mean, angry, bitter, short worded lady....SMILED at me! 

Find JOY in those crazy days when all that is going through your mind is ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME... and MAKE THE CHOICE to let love, kindness, and light exude from you instead! Don't beat yourself up as you discover that you can choose to have a better day no mater what crosses your path! Practice make perfect, well somewhat perfect but it will totally help you find JOY and HAPPINESS in your days! 

Until I blog again, 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

So long....Farewell!!!!

So long, farewell, cheerio, sayonara, adios, good-day, auf wiedersehen (had to look that one up), see ya later alligator, bye bye!!!!

I honestly did not expect to be saying these words at all until a few months ago. I realized that for almost a year things were aligning to uncover our next season of life! I have lived in this area for 31 years, since I was 10, and Forney for the last 5 years.

A little over a year ago I began simplifying and organizing my life and home. I felt so much JOY through the process! I didn't realize that in the quest for order, I was overcoming many things that I had struggled with through the years.

I always just accepted the fact that I wasn't organized or much as I tried. My forgetfulness and A.D.D would always get the best of me! During this process, of simplifying, I remembered a class that I taught 2 years ago to a group of woman.

 The scripture below is what my presentations was on...

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God. D&C 109:8

All of a sudden I realized that through this process of simplifying,  I felt like I was beginning to understand what this scripture really meant. We have done our best to live these principles through the years but living them with a house of order is a totally different feeling. I've had a clean hosue but an orderly house is the best feeling ever.

I can finally say I have established a house of order. And now we move! But even with that I am still learning. Due to having to keep a "show ready" home for 3 weeks...I am building incredible habits that I didnt have before! Doing things that need to be done right then and there, truly keep a house of order.

And I remind you again of SEASONS!!! There once was a season that my kids always came before dirty dishes, laundry and cleaning UNLESS someone was coming over and then I always tried to make things presentable. hahaha

I've definitrely learned that simplifying means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak! 

And the necessary has spoken. So back to...So long, farewell....Yes.... I said, "MOVING!" Once I heard that Hayley and Jose were expecting a precious little baby...I was feeling a strong pull to move to Lubbock. Of course, I wouldn't entertain that idea unless it was right for ALL of us, especially Kolby! But of course, when you find out that things are right, they are right for all! After many, many prayers we all had several sweet reassurances that moving to Lubbock was exactly what the Lord wanted for our next season. Which is exactly what happened when we found out that it was our next season to move to Forney. We each had a reassurance to contribute to the decision!

And Forney was so right for us for the last 5 years...All the way down to the tornado after being in Forney for 5 months. So many memories that we have here. The sunsets, the walks, the friends, the peaceful views and the gatherings that we have been able to host in our home...We love it all!

So as soon as the house sells and school lets out.... We will move!  We are so excited! With all my simplifying... it will be no chore at all to move from 4000 square feet to an 1100 square foot apartment! We found the perfect place and WE LOVE IT!

Hayley and Jose will be moving into the same complex as us and to a 2 bedroom as well, as to have room to welcome their new little bundle! I will have the beautiful pleasure of watching my grandbaby while Hayley and Jose are pursuing school. I am literally smiling ear to ear as I type this!

I am so grateful for having Scentsy in my life and the amazing pleasure to work from home and to be able to make a decision like this.

There are many, many things that I will miss about being here in Forney and close to my family and dear friends. But I know how to fly very well and will be coming back as needed. Especially, for Shay's whirlyball birthday party every January and some Scentsy meetings and for my Pajama Pages fundraiser in October!!!!

Our beloved home that we are selling...We will surely miss! We thought this was our forever home... But when I picture caring for my first granchild and helping Hayley and Jose prepare for their future and finishing off Kolby's last few years of high school and still being Shay's secretary for his business....Well, I can't wait to step into this next season. Even though we love everything about our house and neighborhood...It still can't keep us from this new season! Especially when
God has called you to it!

Home is where the heart is and for now that will soon be Lubbock, Texas!

This isn't the last season but definitely the NEXT one!

Find JOY in the SEASONS of LIFE!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Should I cut off my wedding ring?

I was on the airplane today and over heard two ladies behind me talking about styles of clothing and weight. Then I heard one lady say, "I'm starting on Monday!" I couldn't help but giggle.  I am not an insensitive person at all. But, in my family... that is a forever joke. And the joke is on me. You see, I used to believe that phrase too. I said it often. I even wrote a blog titled that exact phrase back in 2012.

My weight gain was originally from living in the hospital with my terminally ill child when I started emotionally eating. After she died, it got worse. And history repeated itself when I went through the same experience again... hospital with another terminally ill child and loss. Food was my drug. I weighed 245 pounds at my biggest. Then one day, I wanted to change. I walked til I could jog and then I jogged until I could run. I lost 100 pounds in 8-9 months from total dedication to clean eating, water and exercise. 

I have kept that weight off for 15 years. (With a fluctuation of 25 pounds here and there)

Until the last two years. For many, many months I have been saying the phrase again.... "I'm starting on Monday." And of course, we all laugh... me included! Several months ago, I was home alone and there was no laughing going on. In fact, there was only crying. I realized that my finger was starting to really bother me because my wedding ring was getting so tight on my finger. I couldn't even twist it around. 

{A few weeks previous to that night I had stepped on the scale. I gasped to see my weight over 200. Since that picture, I weighed one more time and weighed a little more than that.}

So that night that I was home alone... I literally had the thought cross my mind that I needed to cut my ring off due to my weight gain. That is the moment that I stopped and prayed for strength to really take back control of my weight. I decided that night that I was not gonna cut my ring off and was going to get back to the way I looked just 2 years previous. Enjoying exercise, cross fit, and Insanity videos. I loved it and couldn't get enough of it! You are just a better you when you are physically fit and healthy! 

Through this weight gain I remember taking a picture of myself that we were gonna post on face book and I actually considered editing the picture. I had never edited pictures of myself. You know those pictures that you take 15 shots of and 15 different angles of to get just the right one. I didn't want to be that girl, but I was noticing that I would retake pictures to get the right one. That's not me. I didn't like it! So here is an example of that....Same night...different angle! And of course, I am holding my chin down for dramatic purposes and to be funny! But I would have never posted that one. Until now! 

I refuse to edit... I strive to be authentic and if I am editing pictures then that's not the real me. So, I haven't edited. 

Well, I decided that enough was enough and I had to find that healthy me again. I was tired of feeling tired, sluggish, out of breath so easily, not being able to sing as well, having a double chin, swelling in the morning and lots of other problems that I was noticing. 

So I was going to do like I had before, and begin exercising and clean eating! I am an "all or nothing" person and when I'm ON.... you can't stop me! Well, I realized very quickly that my 41 year old body was NOT the same body like 15 years ago. My efforts weren't working and I kept feeling the tug to start a program. I would shut that thought down very quickly and then tell myself..."I have done it before, I can do it again!" all on my own. Well, that wasn't proving to be the case. This went on for a few weeks back and forth. I finally prayed about it again and felt prompted to call a friend from church that I noticed had been having a glow about her for several weeks! I wanted my glow back! That glow that only comes from being healthy and feeling at your best physically, emotionally and spiritually! They all go together! 

I called her and said, "This might sound weird but I feel prompted to call you and start what you are doing. She told me that it wasn't weird at all and she totally believed me because that she was also prompted in her heart to start this program. I then went on to explain that I guess I was being stubborn and would have called a month ago if I hadn't of been thinking that I could do this on my own like before with out a program. 

I am so grateful that I followed my heart! Since starting this program 2 weeks ago... I am down 13 pounds!!!!! I have energy again!!!!! I can twist my wedding ring around on my finger!!!!! I have already noticed my clothes fitting better!!!! The swelling that I used to wake up to is gone!!!! Some aches and pains that I was experiencing are gone!!!! I just feel BETTER!!! 

I know it sounds to good to be true! But I know how miserable I was feeling just 2 weeks ago and I am not feeling that way anymore! I am already experiencing JOY in my journey back to health. 

I am grateful that I was led to this program! I wanted to be healthy again and with this program the weight loss is just a side effect! Here's to a healthy Heather again! No need to beat myself up that I have to take these steps again.. It's never too late to start over! There must have been something that I needed to learn that I missed the first time!

I can't wait to blog again with more updates to my journey back to health! 

Until I blog again........
