Little did I know that an exact year later at that same event in 2008, that I would feel impressed to walk over and find the Scentsy booth and join on the spot. I had no idea what was in store for me for that small $99 investment. (This month for only $49) And an investment it was! One of the best decisions I have ever made! (grateful for spiritual promptings)
I embarked on this new journey with complete excitement. I didn't really know what I was doing but the excitement carried me through. Many doubted me or doubted the "direct sales" industry.
But, Scentsy was so much more than another direct sales company. It was an "INSTITUTION". I searched long and hard for the perfect word to describe Scentsy. I could say... Awesome and amazing! But it was so much more than that.
Webster's defines institution as a significant practice, relationship or organization in a culture.
Scentsy was significant and Scentsy was a culture. A culture of bringing the best out of you. A culture of giving more than you take. A culture of the "stickiness factor" as Orville (owner) always said. Scentsy was so sticky, you just wanted to keep going back for more. I was about to learn what this stickiness was truly all about!
Free dictionary defines institution as a custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society.
Scentsy has changed my life for the better. It is a community of importance. A platform that allowed me to share my story for the very first time. I will never forget verbally sharing my story to an audience of people that I didn't even know personally. It was life changing and empowering! By growing my business and stretching beyond my comfort zone over and over I got the practice that I needed to become more. The relationships and a sense of belonging was definitely a behavioral pattern of importance.
The mission statement, matched my heart strings. "To bring the world value through our products that Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses, and Inspire the World."
Even though they were talking about the Scentsy warmer, I now know that I am a product of Scentsy.
For the last 8 years I attended trainings and more trainings. I participated in conference calls, and group messaging, face book pages, World tours, conferences, summits, and conventions. Showing up to all that was offered...changed me!
Here is a very mini sampling of the kind of things that I have written in my journals. I have truly valued it all through the years and it has helped make me a better person....
- Believe in yourself through sharing your authentic story. (permission to love "YOU")
- Dream Big (despite the nay-sayers, you can achieve anything you set your heart and mind to.)
- In a chord progression...Chord 4 was to, Improve yourself.
- Catch your own vision (what do you want out of life)
- Know your WHY (why do you want more)
- Bloom where you are planted. Because if you're always going through life looking for better soil, you're never going to grow roots deep enough to bloom.
- Find someone to serve.
- Core values... Simplicity, Authenticity and Generosity.
- Unlock your energy (What do you want bad enough. What makes your heart sing, ultimately unlocks desire)
- Being a leader is like an orchestra playing. The instruments don't always play at the same time. So day by day we have to pay attention to which instrument needs our attention.
- What seems complicated, really isn't!
- Never spend more than you have.
- Live a life of significance!
- You don't have to be PERFECT to be POWERFUL!
- Conquer your fears, Spread your wings and fly!
- Cross the line (With everything there is a line. You have a choice to cross it for a greater chance to become more, enjoy more and realize more. OR you don't and settle for less. It's always a choice.
- We are all like "frogs in a well" in some areas we may be at the top of the well and in other areas we are at the bottom. But, as we build our dream the greater our understanding becomes of what is possible in our lives. (climb the wall)
- You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great!
- Transformation comes about when you embrace who you are and live with courage and graciousness.
- Never be afraid to try.
- Embrace change.
- Love who you are.
- Tell this to yourself everyday..."I can Do It"
- Plant seeds of greatness, everywhere you go.
- Your business only grows as much as YOU grow. (same as life)
- Arrow's out mentality (The more you think of others the greater and bigger our life will be vs. arrows in spiraling towards self and our world getting smaller and smaller.) I choose ARROW'S OUT!
- "MAN UP" (Massive action now) It takes action to make happen the things you want to see in your life.
- There is enough time and space for all that I need to accomplish!
- The power of one. (The smallest act can ripple and spread and have a bigger impact than you can ever imagine. Everyone of us has the power to make a difference)
- Be an excuse buster.
- Give more than you take!
- Don't let others inactivity determine your productivity!
- Appreciate your personality.(be the BEST version of yourself)
- Celebrate what's right with the world.
- Be like a butterfly. (emerge from your cocoon and embrace your awesomeness)
- You have to know yourself before you can Love yourself! (get to know you)
- Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind!
- Be kind to yourself and value your brain and your heart!
- When you feel insecure have no fear, because there is a light that shines within us all!
- Be brave and stretch yourself. (include others is the best way to be brave)
- Don't be too busy for friends. (You are a better person when you have friends)
- A friend may be waiting behind a strangers face!
- Forgiveness is necessary for yourself and others! (it's freeing...let go)
- People will judge you and dismiss you...Don't harbor anger! It only hurts you!
- Don't let things that you can't change eat away at your character.
- Don't think small!
- Have hope and live with Optimism!
- The concept of priming...(So important to practice optimism so you don't get sucked in to the wrong influence. We are all connected together and the thoughts of others matter to us.)
- Live with Childlike wonder!
- Be contagiously optimistic!
- AND THE BONUS IS.......Double YAY! The profound Joy that comes when celebrate your VICTORIES!
I could go on and on and on..... But the victory is that I know that I am enough! From that broken, 19 year old mother laying my first child to rest...and then again 4 years later... to a woman that has overcome and emerged into a beautiful butterfly, trying daily to spread my wings and be what God intended me to be. I can honestly say that Scentsy, coupled with my faith and the Gospel have been the influences that have shaped me into the person that I am today! And it just keeps getting better and better....
I will continue to Find Joy in my Journey and help change lives one at a time! I'm grateful for my "Scentsy Institution" that has reminded me that I have WINGS to show me what I can become, and my ROOTS to remind me where I've come from!
Thank you to all of the people that I have met through Scentsy that have helped change my life for the better! I love you!
xoxo, Heather