Why do so many people feel the need to gossip or make fun? Why do so many feel that you need to live your life the way they do? Why are so many people so observant of what you are doing and then JUDGE you? WHY JUDGE? WHY CRITICIZE? WHY GOSSIP? WHY MAKE FUN?
I had my THIRD conversation with someone this week listening to them express hurt and pain at the hand of others! They have been affected by gossip, judging or just plain exclusion. IT HURTS! You know we have all heard it. But the question is...WERE YOU THE ONE TO STOP IT?
The saddest part of it all is this is happening in churches, in homes, in work places, in social media...EVERYWHERE! It's getting worse and worse! Being this way as a Christian robs The Lord of the church he deserves. Not to mention exposing your own heart and it discredits the gospel in the eyes of the world. If we spent less time excluding others and judging them, then we would have more time to love and serve them! Christ wants us to bear one another's burdens for the good of the other person!
It's that simple...Just STOP IT! Enough is enough! BE KIND! FIND ROOM FOR CHRIST IN YOUR LIFE! And if you have Christ in your life then reach out to others and be a light for them to find Christ in theirs!
I have always heard people tell me that I am so nice! I have always thrived on being the nice! It just feels good! As I was reflecting on the 3 conversations that I had this week, I was reminded about a situation in high school where some girls were girls were talking about this other girl. I was right there and heard it all and I was being "nice" and didn't say one mean word. But, I don't remember speaking up and saying something to make it stop! I have also had those moments that I was the one gossiping and quickly learned that it felt terrible!
Being "NICE" was keeping me from speaking up when something needed to be said. Being nice was preventing me from telling someone how I really felt about a certain topic. (since I didn't want to offend) Being nice trapped me at times into gossip because I was listening to someone and not speaking my opinion! (since I didn't want them to feel that I was being judgemental) Being nice kept me from saying how I feel politically or how I feel about racism or all of the things taking place in our world. Sometimes, I still get caught up in asking myself ...should I post that cause that might offend! I think I was addicted to being "NICE" and well a long time ago... I realized
I know that I am only one small voice but If you are reading this...Please commit to being that person that chooses to be kind and puts an end to it when people are gossiping or making critical, judgemental comments about others! I'm not talking about when you have to discuss situations that you are experiencing but straight up gossip! People feel lonely! People feel hurt! People feel left out! It only takes one person to make a difference in a conversation! Be the one to speak kindness and breath life into another! Validate others! Be a friend! Be kind! Don't be clicky.. make everyone feel included! Do your part!
There is no room for competing, there is no room for hating, there is no room for judging, there is no room for criticizing, there is no room to belittle others. And there is no room to be too nice and not speak up for what you believe! Plato said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Every day there is someone enduring a stressful job, demanding relationships, abuse from someone they love, someone has no idea how they are gonna make ends meet and a child that is struggling or someone with extreme responsibilities. Everyday there is someone that just got diagnosed with a disease that scares them to death, those that face uncertain futures or even struggles with self worth or loss! The LAST THING ANYONE NEEDS IS SOMEONE JUDGING HOW THEY HANDLE THEIR TRIAL!
Each and every one of us can make a difference and change the world! Making a difference often takes time! I read this quote that I loved so much..It said, "Our kindness may not grow roots until long after we've fertilized the flower beds!
Each and every one of us can make a difference and change the world! Making a difference often takes time! I read this quote that I loved so much..It said, "Our kindness may not grow roots until long after we've fertilized the flower beds!
Every day there is someone, somewhere in the need of kindness! Find JOY in loving those around you! Find JOY in being KIND! Find JOY in speaking up and making a difference!